Search in ΜΕΛΟΣ
Found 399 results (contain 50 manifestations and 57 digital items )
Found 399 results (contain 50 manifestations and 57 digital items ) , total pages 14.
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Title in other language: Ζορμπάς ο Έλληνας [Greek] Dates: 1964 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
  1. "Κρητικός" - Zorba
Νame in other language: Ladis, Fontas (1943-) [english] Dates: 1943 -
Νame in other language: Eleftheriou, Manos (1938-2018) [english] Dates: 12/03/1938 - 22/07/2018
Νame in other language: Katraki, Vaso (1914-1988) [english]
Νame in other language: Volanakis, Minos (1925-1999) [english] Dates: 1925 - 1999 Birth place: Athens