Wolf, Michael Barry

  1. Person
  2. Male
  3. 1954
  4. New Jersey
  5. American
  6. Musician
  7. Double bassist
  8. University of Southern California [First university degree with honors in biology] - Academic degree: Bcs thesis
  9. Arnis, Georgios
  10. Universität der Künste Berlin (2018)
  11. Bass2010 Berlin - International Double Bass Convention [Συναυλία/Διάλεξη - Βερολίνο, 05-10/10/2010] (05/09/2010-10/09/2010) [Supervisor]
  12. YouTube | Schott Music | Wikipedia DE
  13. central
    • Michael Wolf is professor emeritus for doublebass at the Berlin University of the Arts. He was born in New Jersey, U.S.A., and began studying the doublebass at the age of nine. When he was thirteen years old, he made his first television appearance as a soloist. He completed his first degree with honors in the biological sciences at the University of Southern California, where he worked and published in the field of cancer research (see below). Afterwards, he studied music with Nathaniel Gangursky and became a member of the San Diego Symphony Orchestra. He received a Fulbright/DAAD and a Rotary-International scholarship, which brought him to Germany. Before he assumed his position in Berlin, he held a professorship for doublebass on the University of Mainz. His publications include a doublebass method. His radio and solo recordings as well as his concert appearances and masterclasses both domestically and abroad have consistently received the highest critical acclaim.

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    Wikipedia Import
    1. Michael Barry Wolf (english)
    2. American musician (english)
    3. 01-01-1954