- Person
- Female
- Βουλγαρική
- Musician
- National Academy of Music Prof. Pancho Vladigerov (1980) [Διδάσκων: Toshev, Todor] - Studies type: Τυπικές - Music degree: Δίπλωμα επιπέδου ανωτάτης σχολής - Cognitive object: Double bass
- National Academy of Music Prof. Pancho Vladigerov (1982) [Διδάσκων: Toshev, Todor] - Studies type: Τυπικές - Music degree: Μεταπτυχιακό - Cognitive object: Double bass
- Chigiana Musical Academy (1985) [Petracchi, Franco] - Studies type: Τυπικές - Music degree: Διδακτορικό - Cognitive object: Double bass
- Κοντραμπασίστα
- National Academy of Music Prof. Pancho Vladigerov (1983-) - Cognitive object: Double bass
- 1982 – 1η Θέση και Χρυσό Μετάλλιο στον 8ο Εθνικό Διαγωνισμό για Μουσικούς και Τραγουδιστές "Svetoslav Obretenov". 1979 & 1981 - Διπλώματα από τους Διεθνείς Διαγωνισμούς Κοντραμπάσου, Markneukirchen, Germany
- National Academy of Music Prof. Pancho Vladigerov
- Petia Bagovska | YouTube
- 10605229 ⟶ Petia Bagovska
- central
Petia Bagovska is a well known performer and a professor at the National Academy of Music in Sofia, Bulgaria where she has graduated as a student of professor Todor Toshev. She has studied with worlwide musician prof. Franco Petracchi at Chigiana Academy of Music in Siena, Italy.
She has been invited to teach at music college in Finland, and to work as principal bass of the Lappeenranta City Orchestra. Mrs. Bagovska performed recitals as a soloist and taught masterclasses throughout whole Europe (Poland, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Czech Republic, England, France, Slovakia, Denmark, Finland and the United States). She has been invited as a jury member for bass competitions in Bulgaria, Serbia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, including the J.M.Sperger Competition.
From 2004 to 2007 Petia Bagovska worked in the United States, teaching at Wright College of Chicago, teaching masterclasses at Universities of Illinois, Oklahoma, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Texas. She was member of Chicago Pops Orchestra, World Symphony Orchestra, and Springfield Symphony. In 2005 she was a soloist of Northwest Chicago Symphony. She has attended the ISB Conventions in Kalamazoo, Michigan University, and Oklahoma City University 2007 and the World Bass Festivals in Europe.
As a Ph.D professor she has more than 30 awarded students from the national and international competitions.