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Found 486 results (contain 50 manifestations and 57 digital items )
Found 486 results (contain 50 manifestations and 57 digital items ) , total pages 17.
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Νame in other language: Sikelianos, Angelos [english] Dates: 15/3/1884 - 19/6/1951
Νame in other language: Sinopoulos, Takis (1917-198) [english] Dates: 1917 - 1981
Title in other language: Arcadia VII: The survivor [english] Dates: 15-07-1969 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Ποιητής: Sinopoulos, Takis
Title in other language: Arcadia IX [english] Dates: 07-08-1969 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Ποιητής: Kalantzis, Kostas
  1. Αρκαδία IX
Νame in other language: Valaoritis, Aristotelis (1824-1879) [english] Dates: 01/06/1824 - 24/07/1879
Νame in other language: Angoules, Fotis (1911-1964) [english] Dates: 01/01/1911 - 27/03/1964
Νame in other language: Χάινε, Χάινριχ (1979-1856) [Greek] Dates: 13/12/1797 - 17/02/1856
Νame in other language: Mavroeidi-Papadaki, Sofia (1898-1977) [english] Dates: 26/06/1898 - 27/06/1977
Νame in other language: Porphyras, Lampros (1879-1932) [english] Dates: 00/00/1879 - 00/00/1932
Νame in other language: Vlachos, Angelos (1838-1920) [english] Dates: 25/03/1838 - 19/07/1920 Birth place: Athens
Dates: 01/09/1868 - 20/07/1920