- Musical medium
- Greek
- central
Scores 91 View list
- [Ekklisiastikes kantates]
- Πνευματικό εμβατήριο
- State of siege (third part
- Epifania - Averof: cantata
- Lysistrata
- The Trojan Women
- Electra
- Electra
- Phaedre [1961-12-28]
- Film Phaedra
- Axion Esti
- Axion Esti - Spartito for conducting
- Axion Esti
- Axion Esti
- Axion Esti
- Axion Esti No.3
- "The Phoenician Women" Euripides
- Euripides -The Phoenician Women
- Euripides -The Phoenician Women: Antigone's procession and lamentation
- The Phoenician Women
- Les Amants de Teruel
- Les Amants de Teruel
- Suite No. 4 for orchestra
- Carnival "Le feu aux poudres"
- Le feu aux poudres
- Le feu aux poudres [1958-11-30]
- Honeymoon [1957-10-16]
- Piano concerto (complete sketch)
- I' ll met by moonlight [1957-01-25]
- Suit No. 2 [Δεκαετία '50]
- Erofili (introduction)
- Πασακάλια
- Theofano
- Lambros and Maria
- Lambros and Maria
- The Bridge of Arta
- The Bridge of Arta
- The dilemma
- The Dilemma
- Μουσική υπόκρουση για το φιλμ "Ξυπόλυτο τάγμα"
- The barefoot bataillon
- Eve
- Eve
- Orpheus and Eurydice
- Sirtos Chaniotikos [Percussion Part]
- Sirtos Chaniotikos [Autograph with percussion part]
- Syrtos Haniotikos [Transparency and photocopy of printed score]
- Sirtos Chaniotikos [Photocopies autograph]
- Syrtos Chaniotikos (Dance) [Sketch]
- Beasts Great and Small
- "Elikon" for piano and orchestra [Score]
- Elicon for piano and orchestra [Score- sketch]
- Five cretan songs [Sketches]
- Eagle
- Suite No.1 [Transparency]
- Suite No.1 [Movements from the formal edition]
- Suit No. 1 [Copy]
- The Cemetery - op. 12
- The Cemetery
- Symphony [Parts]
- "Symphony" in three movements [Score]
- Assi-Gonia "Scherzo sinfonico" [Later version]
- Assi-Gonia "Scherzo sinfonico" [1953]
- The Feast of Asi-Gonia
- Pour Rallou Manou - "Carnaval" Suite [Later version]
- Carnaval Suite ballet [Partition]
- Greek Carnival [First original autograph]
- Carnaval [Sketches with indications]
- Suite for Winds and Piano [Intended for Trio]
- Suite for Winds and Piano op.5, no.2 [Fragment of a score]
- Sextet [Preliminary and final sketch]
- First Symphony [Photocopy of authograph score]
- First Symphony [Transparency of autograph]
- First Symphony [Copy of 1954]
- First Symphony [Sketches]
- Prelude-Strumming-Dance [Parts]
- Prelude-Strumming-Dance [Extended]
- Prelude-Strumming-Dance [Elegy of Poverty]
- Prelude-Strumming-Dance (for string orchestra) [Unfinished scores]
- Prometheus Bound [Bound and sewn]
- Prometheus Bound [Bound in final form]
- Sadduceans [Photocopy of autograph]
- Sadoukeon Passion [Photocopy of printed score of complete work with notes and indications]
- Sadoukeon Passion [Fragment with minor variations]
- Sadoukeon Passion: Cantata [Photocopy of autograph score]
- Sadoukeon Passion: Cantata [Final autograph of the score]
- Sadduceans Passion [Sketches]
- Elegy and lament [Photocopy]
- Elegy and lament [Autograph score]
- Themes and cycles [photocopy)
- Themes and cycles [Sketches]