Criteria of search: Person
Found 203 results
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List of search results:
Νame in other language: Παπανικολάου, Μιχάλης (1937-2017) Dates: 1937 - 2017 Birth place: Pyrgos
Νame in other language: Μυράτ, Δημήτρης (1908-1991) Dates: 1908 - 1991 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Plante, Jacques (1920-2003) Dates: 1920 - 2003 Birth place: Paris
Νame in other language: Γεωργούλη, Αλίκη (1931-1995) Dates: 1931 - 1995 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Dassin, Jules (1911-2008) Dates: 1911 - 2008
Νame in other language: Ελύτης, Οδυσσέας (1911-1996) Dates: 02/11/1911 - 18/03/1996
Νame in other language: Ρίτσος, Γιάννης (1909-1990) Dates: 01/05/1909 - 11/11/1990
Νame in other language: Βίρβος, Κώστας (1926-2015) Dates: 29/03/1926 - 06/08/2015
Νame in other language: Αποστολάκου, Δώρα
Νame in other language: Χατζηδάκη, Ρένα (1943-2003) Dates: 1943 - 2003
Νame in other language: Σεφέρης, Γιώργος (1900-1971) Dates: 13/03/1900 - 20/09/1971
Νame in other language: Κάλβος, Ανδρέας (1792-1869) Dates: 1792 - 1869
Νame in other language: Γκάτσος, Νίκος (1911-1992) Dates: 1911 [[1911?]] - 1992
Νame in other language: Αντωνίου, Θεόδωρος (1935-2018) Dates: 10/02/1935 - 26/12/2018 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Οικονομίδης, Φιλοκτήτης (1889-1957) Dates: 10/10/1889 - 10/12/1957 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Μαβίλης, Λορέντζος (1860-1912) Dates: 06/09/1860 - 28/11/1912
Νame in other language: Messiaen, Olivier (1908-1992) (Olivier Eugène Prosper Charles Messiaen) Dates: 10/12/1908 - 27/4/1992
Νame in other language: Bigot, Eugène (1888-1965) Dates: 28/2/1888 - 17/7/1965
Νame in other language: Πορφύρης, Μιχαήλ Birth place: Athens

Gougka, Rea

Νame in other language: Γκούγκα, Ρέα
Νame in other language: Χούντεκ, Γιόζεφ (1881-1944) Dates: 1881 - 1944
Νame in other language: Λίττολφ, Ματθαίος
Νame in other language: Κομισόπουλος, Χρήστος Dates: 1965 - Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Δραγατάκης, Δημήτρης (1914-2001) Dates: 04/02/1914 - 18/12/2001
Νame in other language: Μπαλτάς, Άλκης Dates: 30/11/1948 -
Νame in other language: Χριστοδούλου, Δημήτρης (1924-1991) Dates: 1924 - 1991 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Καβάφης, Κωνσταντίνος Π. (1863-1933) Dates: 1863 - 1933
Νame in other language: Brecht, Bertolt (1898-1956) Dates: 10/02/1898 - 14/08/1956
Νame in other language: Λάδης, Φώντας (1943-) Dates: 1943 -
Νame in other language: Θαλασσινός, Ερρίκος (1927-2000) Dates: 08/05/1927 - 30/07/2000