Criteria of search: Person
Found 203 results
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Νame in other language: Παπακυριάκης, Γιώργος
Νame in other language: Μαραγκουδάκης, Νίκος (1929-2014) Dates: 1929 - 2014
Νame in other language: Σακελλαρίου, Χάρης (1923-2007) Dates: 1923 - 2007
Νame in other language: Τρυφωνοπούλου, Τούλα (1911-1996) Dates: 1911 - 25/09/1996 Birth place: Lechaina
Νame in other language: Αστρινίδης, Νικόλαος Στ. (1921-2010) Dates: 06/05/1921 - 10/12/2010 Birth place: Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi
Νame in other language: Ρώτας, Βασίλης Dates: 1964 - Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Καμπανέλλης, Ιάκωβος (1921-2011) Dates: 1921-1922 - 2011
Νame in other language: Συνοδινού, Άννα (1927-2016) Dates: 22/11/1927 - 07/01/2016 Birth place: Loutraki
Νame in other language: Περγιάλης, Νότης (1920-2009) Dates: 1920 - 2009
Νame in other language: Θεοτοκάς, Γιώργος (1905-1966) Dates: 1905 - 1966
Νame in other language: Κατσαρός, Μιχάλης (1919-1998) Dates: 1919 - 1998
Νame in other language: Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875) Dates: 1805 - 1875
Νame in other language: Χατζιδάκις, Μάνος (1925-1994) Dates: 23/11/1925 - 15/06/1994
Νame in other language: Σκουλούδης, Μανώλης (1901-1989) Dates: 1901 - 1989
Νame in other language: Αγγουλές, Φώτης (1911-1964) Dates: 01/01/1911 - 27/03/1964
Νame in other language: Bathori, Jane (1877-1970) Dates: 1877 - 1970 Birth place: Paris
Νame in other language: Τερζάκης, Άγγελος (1907-1979) Dates: 1907 - 1979
Νame in other language: Σακέττα, Κατερίνα Dates: 1972 - Birth place: Thessaloniki
Νame in other language: Σταύρου, Θρασύβουλος (1886-1979) Dates: 1886 - 1979
Νame in other language: Garcia Lorca, Federico (1898) (1936) Dates: 05/06/1898 - 00/08/1936
Νame in other language: Βάρναλης, Κώστας (1884-1974) Dates: 14/02/1884 - 16/12/1974
Νame in other language: Ελευθερίου, Μάνος (1938-2018) Dates: 12/03/1938 - 22/07/2018
Νame in other language: Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich (1818-1883) Dates: 1818 - 1883
Νame in other language: Behan, Brendan (1923-1964) Dates: 1923 - 1964
Νame in other language: Nicolaj, Aldo (1920-2004) Dates: 1920 - 2004
Νame in other language: Hasek, Jaroslav (1883-1923) Dates: 1883 - 1923
Νame in other language: Σινόπουλος, Τάκης (1917-1981) Dates: 1917 - 1981
Νame in other language: Ζώρας, Λεωνίδας (1905-1987) Dates: 23/02/1905 - 22/12/1987
Νame in other language: Βολωνίνης, Φρειδερίκος Νικολάου (1895-1970) Dates: 1895 - 1970 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Αρνής, Γεώργιος Dates: [[1975-1985]] - Birth place: Athens